Posts Tagged ‘Snow Leopard’

There are a lot of disgruntled Apple customers all scratching their heads thinking “Why did I buy/upgrade to Snow Leopard?” Cons: Whilst it is a “cheap” upgrade (£25) – what does it deliver, Microsoft typically deploys these types of updates for free and calls it a Service Pack. Snow Leopard does bring 64bit support, but only […]

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 at 18:44 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Rumours are afoot that Snow Leopard build 10A432 is gold master and likely to go RTM. Snow Leopard is due for general release in September, just ahead of Windows 7 on October 22nd – strange coincidence eh? Source: here

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 at 18:43 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized