Posts Tagged ‘Exchange 2010’
It will come as no surprise to you, if I share a long standing opinion I have regarding the leading business e-mail system (if the leading logo didn’t give it away already). You guessed it, Microsoft Exchange! During my career in IT I have heard of, participated in or influenced many migrations from alternate solutions, the most common being IBM’s […]
As with most Office 2010 beta testers, I was very keen (upon release to web for software assurance customers) to start using the 2010 suite at work. As a result I noticed functionality that I had previously not identified. One example is within the Outlook 2010 contact card and the capability to playback a contact’s name. […]
During the recent patch Tuesday a collection of patches were released to address an SMTP denial of service vulnerability within both Windows and Exchange SMTP. Vulnerabilities addressed include: CVE-2010-0024 – The SMTP component in Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2 and SP3, Server 2003 SP2, and Server 2008 Gold, SP2, and R2, and Exchange Server […]
Last night Apple laid to rest all rumours associated with it’s forthcoming major mobile software upgrade, namely iPhone OS 4.0. I could probably write about how unhappy I am that 3G devices get “iAds” support (Apple’s new iPhone advertising platform), but unlike the 3G”S” will not feature the all new multitasking capability – oh, I guess […]
Like most organisations, our IT department face PST hell on an almost daily basis and when Exchange 2010 announced it came with archiving, I said “Yay, we don’t need a 3rd part archiving solution!” However, I was wrong. The first (or current) version of Exchange 2010 co-locates the archive for a mailbox into the same database (pretty […]
Exchange (and Outlook) is the conduit whereby users can access new e-mail, contacts, calendar, news (RSS), voicemail (Exchange Unified Messaging) and presence (via OCS and your Communicator client). Exchange 2010 extends the unified messaging functionality by offering the end user more control over call answering, this is achieved by adding a free/busy aware rule based system. […]