Posts Tagged ‘Professional Developers Conference’

  Apparently my photo generated PowerPoint decks are not that great (day job safe…for now anyways) For those interested, the real slides and videos are now online. Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures presented by Chris Mayo WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides Integrating and Extending the Microsoft Office Communicator Experience with Windows Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight presented by […]

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 at 23:11 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Today’s session focussed on the extendibility within the wave 14 communications platform was presented by David Ollason (Principal Lead Program Manager at Microsoft). David explained these development opportunities and gave examples; tools in scope were WPF and Silverlight (no surprises here). As with yesterday’s session my trusty BlackBerry was used to take pictures in low […]

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 at 22:27 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Today I attended a session run by Chris Mayo (UC Technical Evangelist at Microsoft). The session’s topic, development platform futures with Microsoft’s unified communications platform, namely Office Communications Server. The interesting little nugget that I picked up on was that everything discussed or demonstrated was running on pre-alpha wave 14 code and…(wait for it) there […]

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 at 23:26 | 2 comments
Categories: Uncategorized