Posts Tagged ‘Contact Centre’
I just found myself glued to a Channel 9 video that features a US development organisation Gold Systems. Using UCMA 3.0 (the Lync Server development API) they demonstate some impressive CEBP examples, typically applicable to a Contact Centre environment. Very impressive stuff and a solid example on why the Microsoft UC stack has a great […]
Like most enterprises your telephony setup might not be so straightforward and quite often the more feature rich telephony functionality is not catered for in mainstream products. That is why when I saw how Clarity Connect had used the extensibility hidden under the hood of OCS 2007 R2 I was very impressed. In case you […]
On Thursday I am heading over to Nortel’s UK HQ for a seminar reviewing functionality within Contact Centre v.7, the specific interest I have is to understand it’s tight integration with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007. I’ll not doubt post my views and coverage later in the week. Unfortunately I am unable to make this event due […]