Unified Communications, now with kidFILTER (TM)
One of the many benefits of UC is the location independence gained by enhanced accessibility of end-user communications technology, and with this comes the ability to work from home. Many organisations are jumping on the opportunity to re-deploy staff into their home offices, such benefits include:
Rationalisation upon existing office space (and the take-on of hot desking)
Better business continuity (denial of access to head office becomes a thing of the past)
Reduced commute times = happier staff and the capability to work smarter (and sometimes longer!)
However, what can be done for Mums and Dads when their kids knock down our doors and insist upon effortlessly locating the laptop’s power-off button!?!
I’m not sure I have the answer, but read you can always pickup some useful tips from Associated Content’s, “How to work from home with noise and distractions“.