Unable to enable Lync to Skype connectivity (PIC) once split-domain is provisioned within Lync Online
This may perhaps be a niche case as I’m aware there aren’t many folks than have braved split-domain configuration with Lync on-prem and Lync Online, but to those that have (and still see the value in this type of deployment, which even without telephony there still is I might add), you are likely at some point to get the request for enabling Lync-to-Skype connectivity.
Lync-to-Skype connectivity was announced earlier this year, this of course was inevitable when Microsoft bought Skype back in mid-2011 and many (like myself), made these amongst other predictions – okay so Microsoft still haven’t made good on some of them but never say never, right? 🙂
If you’re looking for more information on how to deploy a regular on-premises enablement of Skype, I won’t be covering that here as Microsoft have an extensive deployment guide. What I’m going to cover is how to go about this process when you’re deploying (or have already deployed) split-domain.
So there’s
- The wrong way (AKA the way I went :oops:) and by this I mean enabling Skype connectivity after deploying split-domain – I’ll explain how to reverse this later…
- The right way, enabling Skype connectivity prior to adding your domain to Office 365.
If you’re not subscribed to my feed then it’s likely the wonders of SEO have brought you here and you need to know how you can reverse the (pardon the pun) “PIC”le you’re in 😉
It can be done easily, without intervention from Microsoft Office 365 support…
1. Log into Office 365 as an administrator, then head for the Lync administration page. Once here go to Organization -> External Communications. Next disable public IM connectivity.
2. Wait 24 hours…
3. Apply for PIC enablement (or Skype connectivity provisioning), if you tried this previously then this process would fail as it would effectively appear to the PIC administrator that you’re already enabled (as per the PIC enablement within Lync Online above)
4. Wait again for this to be enabled, this will be confirmed via email
5. Once you’ve received your email confirmation then you’re all set and you can re-enable the setting you disabled in step 1!
That’s it!