How to assign Exchange 2013 UM Services to a Certificate?
Last week Exchange 2013 RTM was released to TechNet, for many of us that means it’s time to update our lab environments – but wait Exchange 2013 has all changed…that said I actually like the Control Panel, but there are a few things that are not so easy to find.
Notably the setup for certificates and associating UM services (Servers ->; Certificates), I struggled to assign my certificate to Unified Messaging (UM) and Unified Messaging Call Router – which is all new to Exchange 2013. The specific issue of being able to change the UM services start-up from TCP (the default) to TLS or Dual.
The commands you need to run are as follows:
Set-UMService -identity -UMStartupMode dual Set-UMCallRouterSettings -UMStartupMode dual
Once this is complete you can assign services within the ECP or PowerShell, hopefully this saves you some time! 🙂
Update: Further to this tech note, I’ve noticed some other subtle differences between Exchange 2007/2010 and 2013 dial-plan creation. I attempted to utilise the new ECP to create the new dial-plan (I should have known that this would cause me trouble, right?) however the UI-based approach misses off a key piece – assigning a UM Server! Incidentally this can be seen when you type: Get-UMDialPlan – the UM Server will read as {}
To correct this follow this procedure:
Set-UMService -Identity <UM Server Name> -Dialplans <name of dial-plan>
(dial-plan name can be retrieved from running the Get-UMDialPlan cmdlet)
Once the UM Server is assigned you need to re-execute the ExchUCUtil.ps1 script from within the Exchange 2013 scripts directory.