Gartner’s 2011 UC Magic Quadrant released
I’m a big fan of Gartner’s Magic Quadrant reports, they are well written and extremely credible analysis. I myself have subscribed and find it incredibly useful – over time I have had to succumb to the fact that I can’t always be on top of all that is leading in enterprise technology.
So with that said a couple of days back Gartner refreshed their annual UC MQ report, first and foremost it will come as no surprise that Microsoft have managed to sustain their pole position for the sixth year running.
I won’t dig too deep into the the detail (as a link to the full report can be found below) but I thought picking out key changes within the respective 2010/11 quadrants (see illustration below) would be of value, from this we can glean the following:
- + Alcatel-Lucent have moved up from “challenging” to “leading”
- + Siemens have moved up from “visionaries” to “leading”
- + Hauwei Technologies are new on the UC scene (just when you though these guys only manufactured 3G dongles?!?)
- + Digium (the folks that make Asterisk) have at long last entered the quadrant, specifically within the niche players market
- – Interactive Intelligence have dropped from “visionaries” to “niche players”
- – IBM have been overtaken by NEC
- – SAP have dropped off all together
For a full read of the report, it can be accessed here (no Garter subscription required)