Official iPhone (factory unlock) now available in the UK
Like most, I occasionally get frustrated with my mobile carrier. O2 is by no means an exception and my iPhone+O2 relationship has been somewhat rocky from the start.
I joined O2 specifically to try out the iPhone, for me phone+iPod sounded like a great idea, for the most part it was. But O2’s network (in my opinion) buckled under the strain of the iPhone – specifically it’s 3G performance. At work we use Vodafone’s UK 3G network and whilst it does not quite meet the “mobile broadband” status banded about by Voda marketing it does perform like no other mobile data network here in the UK.
When I joined O2 I decided to go PAYG, it didn’t make sense for me to sign my life over to O2’s extortionate iPhone plans so forking out the £399 for the 16gb model was a no brainer. 12 months later I decided to ring up O2 customer services and request my phone be unlocked (whilst pessimistic I wondered how Apple’s policies could deviate from other manufacturers who allow simlocks to be removed when out of contract).
As expected, the simlock removal was not possible, even though the O2 exclusivity deal was announced to be coming to an end. I was told to check back after November 9th, so I did and for £15 smackers (pay monthly are unlocked at no additional charge) I am unlocked and jailbreak free!
See the O2 message announcing my freedom below and head here if you want to be untied from your O2 shackles!